On July 20, 2016, within the framework of international cooperation in the field of vocational training, Marine Personnel Agency LLC (MCA) completed four vocational training programs for citizens of Kazakhstan to work at the Aktau Marine North Terminal in the port of Aktau, which were sent to St. Petersburg by the Communal State Institution “Zhana Serpin Center” (Center, Kazakhstan).
The graduates of the MCA training center were 27 people, 15 of whom were trained in three specialties at once: “Coastal sailor (mooring officer)”, ‘Mechanizer (docker-mechanizer)’, ‘Stroper’. Another 12 people mastered the profession of “Talman”. The training process for each specialty consisted of a theoretical and practical part. The students mastered the theory in the MCA classrooms, and the practice – in working groups, at the berths of JSC “Sea Port of St. Petersburg”. The total training period amounted to one month.
Graduation exams were taken by the commission, which included teachers of the MCA Training Center and representatives of Aktau Marine North Terminal LLP (AMST), where the graduates will be employed in accordance with the acquired profession.
According to Gulzhanar Sadyrova, Head of HR Department of AMST, the choice fell on MCA due to prompt processing of the submitted request and providing the opportunity to undergo practical training in the operating seaport. AMST representatives noted the high level of organization and content of the educational process, professionalism of teachers and the opportunity for students to apply the knowledge gained in future professional and labor activity.
“The motivation for applying to MCA was the good reputation of the Training Center of the company, – says Nikolay Eselevich, head of the cargo complex of AMST. – In the perspective of terminal development for us the most interesting can be cooperation in the sphere of training of crane operators of portal cranes, gantry container cranes on pneumatic wheeled travel (RTG cranes), drivers of stacker”. “The project on cooperation with partners from Kazakhstan, in my opinion, has been completed successfully. The MCA staff and teachers involved in this project made maximum efforts. We are ready to further develop partnership relations with Kazakhstan in the field of training and provision of personnel for seaports and terminals”, – commented Anatoly Rezyuk, MCA Deputy General Director for Personnel Training. In 2015, the MCA training center has already hosted a group from the Republic of Kazakhstan. Then employees of “Continental Logistics” LLP were trained on the program “Telescopic container reach stacker driver” to work in the trade and logistics center of the customer company.
For reference: Marine Staffing Agency LLC is a staffing company representing the interests of transportation and logistics, construction and other companies of the North-West region in the field of recruitment, training and provision of temporary staff. MCA has been operating since 2001 and is a subsidiary of JSC “Sea Port of St. Petersburg”. Since January 1, 2016, MCA has been accredited by the Federal Service for Labor and Employment for the right to carry out personnel provision activities. The agency’s structure includes a separate training center with its own technical base. Its functions include primary training, retraining and advanced training under various educational programs.