Model contracts
AMST LLP provides the following services on the basis of contracts (agreements) with Clients
1) loading and unloading works performed by the Partnership’s forces and means: – Transshipment of grain crops; – Reception/dispatch, loading/unloading of dry cargoes and complex servicing of vessels; – Preparation of containers for shipment by sea, rail and road transport; – Formation of ship and route shipments; – Loading/unloading of adjacent types of transport (rail and road) – Bulk and bulk cargoes transshipment; – Crane transshipment of oversized and heavy cargoes; 2) services for cargo operations (mooring, berthing: Under cargo/outside cargo operations) (ship-entry);
3) storage of cargoes in open storage areas and in covered warehouse, including refrigerated storage;
4) storage of cargoes at storage areas of temporary storage warehouse;
5) issuance of bills of lading, manifests, registration of cargo and other transportation documents for loaded/unloaded cargo;
6) transportation forwarding services.
The Partnership shall provide the following additional services and works at the Client's expense:
1. bunkering of ships with fresh water;
2. Palletizing of pallets on pallets to/from containers (wagon-loader-container);
3. Stuffing of containers (truck-crane-crane-warehouse-loader/container);
4. Palletized cargo (container-loader-auto);
5. Cargo transfer in big-bags;
6. Shifting of cargoes weighing not more than 50 kg by the terminal;
7. Cleaning of railcars, ship holds and warehouses from cargo residue and separation;
8. Carrying, bringing up and cleaning of cargoes;
9. Power supply to vessels;
10. Providing separation material for safe transportation and storage of cargo;
11. Reception of bilge and fecal water from the Vessels for their further utilization;
12. Provision of motor transport for the Commission.
Commercial department
- Bajtakov Erzhan Ruslanovich (Director of the Department)
Phone: + 7 (7292) 20 38 78 (ext. 1024)
E-mail: erzhan.baitakov@amnt.kz
- Dujsebaeva Ajdana (Head of Commercial Department)
Phone: + 7 7292 20 38 78 (ext. 1028)
E-mail: Aidana.Duisebayeva@amnt.kz
Marketing and Logistics Division
- Baytakov Yerzhan Ruslanovich (Head of MTS)
Phone: +7 (7292) 20 38 78 (ext. 1042)
E-mail: Erzhan.Baitakov@amnt.kz
Finance Department
- Karakoishieva Oryngul Mukhambetkalievna (Chief Accountant)
Phone: +7 (7292) 20 38 78 (ext. 1027)
E-mail: Oryngul.Karakoishiyeva@amnt.kz